Hot Date Tutorial #1

How to get new clothes into the stores downtown.

1. Find your outfit, and open it. Opening is much better than saving as. Saves space and time. Now extract the files into whatever diresctory your sims game is, /ExpansionPack3/SkinsBuy. The files you are extracting SHOULD include your BMP/BMP's, a CMX file, and a SKN file. There may be multiple of each.

2. Go to /ExpansionPack3/Skinsbuy in a prgram like File Manager or Explorer. Explorer can be accesed by right clicking start and selecting "Explore."

3. Fine your BMP files. For example: B300FAfitlgt_myskin. The "B" in the beginning MUST be changed for hot date. Replace the "B" with a "S" for swimsuit, a "L" for lingerie (Pajama's) and a "F" for formal.

4. Do not do anything to the skn files. The skn files typically start with XSkin.

5. Replace the "B" with either "L", "F", or "S" on the CMX file.

6. Open the cmx file and look at the fifth line. It will say something similar to this: (for example) B300FAFitlgt_myskin. Replace the "B" with "L", "F", or "S"

7. That's it! If you have any problems, please email me at